Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Ralph-Christian Hughes-Period 7

Day 1

Dear Diary,

I found this book after the plane fell. It's blank so now it shall be my diary. I spent a long time disoriented and wondering what happened as one moment we were in the air but then we were falling and the plane crashed, leaving a scar in the jungle of an island we landed on. I met a fat boy named piggy and then went swimming. I don't like piggy, he is too inquisitive, out of shape, talks to much, and is emotional. While swimming, I found what piggy calls a "conch." He went on and on about his friend's family but I mostly ignored him, only listening to the parts I cared for between my thoughts. I blew into the conch a few times before getting it right, making the thing blow loudly across the island. I did this for some time as more and more kids who survived the plane crash showed up, until I was certain that was the last of them. Piggy was asking everyone for their names, while I sat and watched what seemed like a moving black creature coming towards us. As it grew closer, more kids began to look and eventually we realized it was strangely dressed children. As they came closer, the one in the lead, Jack was his name, called the group to a halt and came to speak with us. He thought there was an adult, but we came to the conclusion there were no adults on this island. Just kids. He called his choir boys over and let them take off their black jackets as we held the first meeting. The grim reality struck all of the children that there are no adults here and that we must find a way to survive until the grown ups come to save us. They elected me leader since I had the conch and I put Jack in charge of the Army to save his pride. I messed up and hurt Piggy's feelings by telling everyone his nickname is Piggy, and we all chanted the name, mocking him. The decision came that Jack, Simon, and I should explore the Island to make sure it is truly an Island and not something else, so we set out to do so. Turns out it is truly an island, and now we shall head back.

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